Planning Commission

The Stillwater Township Planning Commission is a volunteer group of township residents that considers land development, along with ordinance and zoning issues. Among other duties, it evaluates applications for land development, zoning changes and petitions for zoning variances, and conducts Public Hearings related to these applications. It then makes recommendations to the Town Board.

Residents can apply for open positions on the commission and must be approved by the Township Board. Terms are for three years.

The Planning Commission meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month at the Town Hall. Meetings can be cancelled if there is insufficient business to conduct. The public is welcome at all meetings.

For information on the Planning Commission, or to place an issue before the commission, contact Clerk Barbara Riehle (651-439-4120).

Check the website calendar for scheduled meetings or Public Hearings.

Member Name: Member Since: Term Expire:
Alan Robbins-Fenger
Board Liaison
Robyn Stoller 2016 12/31/24
Frank Countryman 2018 12/31/27 
Dan Loveridge 2021 12/31/26

Katie Driver

2021 12/31/26 
Carrie Rolstad 2022 12/31/27
Scott Steffen 2023 12/31/25
Kerrie Steffen 2023 12/31/25
Peter Howard 2023  12/31/25 
Kate Niemann 2023 12/31/25