Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is a volunteer group of township residents that oversees the development, updating and maintenance of the website, as well as the production of the thrice-yearly newsletter and related publications. It makes recommendations to the Town Board on website, newsletter and communications matters within the Township.

Residents can apply for open positions on the committee and must be approved by the Township Board.

The Communications Committee meets on the third Tuesday in the months of January, May and September at 7PM to prepare for newsletters and address township communications matters. It meets as needed during the rest of the year depending on the necessity for a special meeting or communications workshop. The public is welcome at all meetings.

The committee welcomes comments and suggestions from the public relating to Township communications. Please contact the Town Board Liaison with any feedback or suggestions. We will use your feedback to improve the quality of our newsletter, website and township brand.

For information on the Communications Committee, contact Deputy Clerk Jenni Maes.


 Member Name:  Member Since:
Board Liaison
 Vanessa Barvels
Liaison/Park Committee
 Kimberly Cole 
Newsletter Editor
Coby Sevdy - Resident          2023

Anne-Marie Hendrickson - Resident


Check the website calendar for scheduled meetings.